A student and tutor are reviewing an essay at a desk

写作 & 辅导中心

Giving you the help you need to get the most out of your education - no matter the 主题.

关于写作 & 辅导中心

写作的使命 & 辅导中心 is to help you become a more successful learner, both in your classes and beyond your 在TCC的时间. Learning is an ongoing process, and our goal here is to help you develop skills and strategies along the way.

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的重点是学生. We strive to help you establish successful strategies, to get to know your own learning and writing process better, and to guide you through the trials and tribulations of your academic career. 学习是一个过程. 改善, 你必须练习,要有耐心. Your tutor is just one stop on the path. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的目标 is to take you one step forward on this journey.

A student and a tutor sit at a table discussing chemistry.

What 主题s can I get help with in the WTC?

写作 & 辅导中心 is a multi-disciplinary program that offers help in many of the 课程s you are taking at TCC!

Here is a list of some of the 课程s we support, both online and in person (some 主题s not offered every quarter: check with us!)

  • English and writing in all 主题s
  • ESL / EAP
  • 生物学
  • 化学
  • 安倍的课程
  • 计算机科学
  • 哲学
  • 物理 
  • Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
  • 政治科学
  • 历史与人文
  • 音乐欣赏
  • 语言:西班牙语,日语
  • 解剖学 & 生理学
  • 数学
  • 工程


Online and in-person tutoring sessions are offered at the WTC. 单击链接以安排日程 an appointment, or visit us in building 7, room 221 for more information.


Find our hours for our on campus center, online tutoring, and more!



The Student Learning Centers, including the 写作 & 数学辅导中心 建议 Resource Center (MARC), Business Education Center (BEC), Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program, and Dedicated Tutoring (DT) programs, are all committed to supporting 学生何时何地澳门威尼斯人在线赌场可以.  These programs offer both online and in person programming 满足学生的需求.

Here are the locations where you can find the 写作 & 辅导中心导师:


Drop in or make an appointment to see a tutor in the 写作 & 辅导中心.

  • 到7号楼221室来
  • 或者在网上预约


Visit our Canvas page to make an appointment for an online session or an in-person WTC家教,或访问eTutoring.

TCC students, follow the link this link to “Our Virtual Tutoring Page" to access our 资料及连结!



You can submit a paper to get feedback from a tutor any time.

TCC students, Follow the link to "Our Virtual Tutoring Page," then from that page, choose  “Send us a paper to get written feedback"
or click on the link to Our 写作 Support Page, "enroll in 课程," then "go to 课程."


SCIENCE Open Drop-In Sessions in the MESA Center

Want to chat with a tutor right where you take your classes?  请看澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的MESA中心 导师时间表如下!  不需要回复! 


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场总是在这里帮助你! 联系 us at 253-566-6032 or email us!

前台,写作 & 辅导中心


陆- a - Kikuo,项目专家




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