Running Start 入学 Process

Running Start 入学s Steps

入学 to the Running 启动程序 is a 多步骤的 process 和 must be started at least one week before the Running Start Application 的最后期限. Please be sure to complete each step before continuing to the next one.

We encourage students to meet with their high school counselor to determine Junior or Senior level st和ing. It is important that students take the time to discuss their college readiness, future goals, financial obligations, 和 transportation requirements when meeting with their high school counselor.

1. Apply to Tacoma Community College

All prospective students must apply to the college before they can apply to the Running 启动程序. Watch the following video to see step-by-step how to complete the application 对太极拳. Then, to begin 你r 入学s Application, click the yellow 马上申请 下面的按钮. 

在应用程序中, 你 must select Running Start in the “I will be enrolling as a…” section, or 你 will not receive the appropriate 下一个步骤.


Within 3 工作日 of submitting 你r TCC 入学s Application, 你 will receive a Welcome email from TCC 入学s with 你r ctcLink ID 和 下一个步骤s. 如果你知道 not receive 你r Welcome email, please email

Fall 2024 的最后期限 to submit 你r TCC 入学s Application: August 29, 2024

2. Submit Proof of English Qualification

The Welcome email will include a link to upload 你r English qualifying measures (i.e. high school transcript) through OnBase. 看到 资格 for English qualifying measures.

We will verify 你r qualification once 你r submission is received. 检讨 Qualifying Measures can take up to 3 工作日.

Fall 2024 的最后期限 to submit 你r English Qualifying Measures: September 3, 2024

3. Complete Running Start Application

Once 你r qualification is verified, 你 will receive an email from with a link to the digital Running Start Application 和 an 招收ment Verification 形式(EVF). 如果你知道 not see an email in 你r inbox, please check 你r spam/junk 文件夹.

Connect with 你r high school counselor to get the EVF filled out; the form must be signed by 你r counselor, parent/guardian, 你. Once completed, upload the EVF to the Running Start Application 和 fill out the remaining sections of the application with 你r parent/guardian, then Submit. 

The application is ready for submission when the following sections are completed:

  • Student information + upload EVF
  • Student Financial Responsibility
  • 班级和校园费用
  • 金融援助 Assistance Program
  • 政策协议
  • Release of 信息

You will receive an auto-generated email to confirm 你r application has been successfully 提交. Review 和 processing of the Running Start Application can take up to 3 工作日.

Fall 2024 的最后期限 to submit 你r Running Start Application: September 6, 2024

4. New Student Orientation

Once 你r application is processed, we will email 你 a Running Start New Student 取向的日期. *Do not sign up for the orientation hosted by the college.

In orientation, students will:

  • Learn important program information
  • Learn about resources available at TCC
  • Learn how to register 类的
  • Meet their assigned Running Start advisor

An orientation packet will be emailed to 你 a day prior to 你r scheduled orientation 日期.

5. 注册课程

After completing the Running Start New Student Orientation, 你 will be able to register 类的.

6. Pay 班级和校园费用

学费 is covered by the Running 启动程序, but students are still responsible 按季度收费. Financial assistance is available for eligible students. 看到 常见问题 for information about our Fee Waiver program.